Registration/Cancellation Information
- To qualify for advance registration, NLGI must receive your payment and form by May 11, 2018. If you register after that date or on-site, there is an additional charge of $50 per person. If you have questions, please call NLGI at 816-524-2500.
- Payment in full must accompany your registration form. No registration will be processed without payment. All fees are in US currency.
- Membership in NLGI is by company. To qualify for the Member fee, you must either be a full-time employee or part owner of a member company. If you do not meet this guideline, please pay the Non-member fee.
- To attend any class, session, or event, you must be a registered attendee. This policy applies to spouses/guests and children; the guest fee would apply. Badge monitors will be posted at all sessions and social events.
- Cancellations received in NLGI’s office through May 11, 2018 will receive a 100% refund, less a $75 cancellation/processing fee. After the May 11, 2018 date, the entire registration fee is forfeited. Exceptions granted on a case by case basis by the Executive Director.
NLGI Code of Conduct and Photography Disclaimer
Your registration for the NLGI Annual Meeting acknowledges your acceptance of the following code of conduct for all events and activities. You are expected to act in a professional and courteous manner to all attendees and staff throughout the NLGI Annual Meeting, including hotel staff. NLGI expressly disclaims any liability arising out of your consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with the NLGI Annual Meeting. You are responsible for your own well-being. NLGI expressly disclaims liability for any acts or omissions of attendees resulting from excessive drinking, recklessness or negligence on the part of any participant(s). NLGI reserves the right to revoke your registration at any time for breach of the foregoing.
As a registered attendee or guest of the conference, you authorize NLGI to photograph your image as a participant in the Annual Meeting sessions and events. Use of the photographs will be limited to NLGI and for future meeting promotional purposes only.