To nominate an industry colleague for a 2021 award, please click here
NLGI Founders Award
In recognition of the three NLGI founding Companies, the Founders Award, is presented to a company that has had a positive impact on the NLGI in the tradition established by its founding fathers.
- Reserved for a Company and not an individual.
- Company should have longevity with NLGI continuous membership
- The company needs to be involved in a positive manner for the betterment and growth of the NLGI
NLGI Award for Achievement
“The Institute’s highest award, it honors the achievement of those who have made exceptional contributions to the growth and development of the Institute”.
Guidelines: (award winners should have one or more of the following accomplishments):
- Has made exceptional and lasting contributions to the Institute
- Has accumulated a significant “body of work” within the grease industry
NLGI Fellows Award
“Acknowledges valuable work within the Institute, in the technical development of greases, grease tests, or the promotion of grease usage.”
Guidelines: (award winners should have one or more of the following accomplishments):
- Significant work and continuing work in development of new grease technology (thickener chemistry, advancements in mixing technology, new additive chemistry, etc.)
- Significant work and continuing work toward development and acceptance of new tests within the grease industry
- Significant work and continuing work toward development of tools or literature promoting understanding of grease usage by those not directly connected to it (OEMs, end-users)
- Typical award winners would
- Have 10 or more years of significant contributions to the grease industry through authoring of papers, educational work, etc.
- Have been awarded one or more of the following:
- Author award winner
- John A. Bellanti award winner
- Educational Excellence award winner
John A. Bellanti Sr. Memorial Award
“Acknowledges meritorious service on the NLGI Board, or on Technical Committee projects or to the industry.”
Guidelines: (award winners should have one or more of the following accomplishments):
- 3 years of active service on the NLGI board
- Several years active service in a lead role on a Technical committee
- Significant contributions toward progress in a Working Group
- Significant contributions to the NLGI Education Courses
NLGI Honorary Membership
“Entitles lifetime honorary membership to those who, over a period of years, have served the Institute in some outstanding capacity and are not now with a member company.”
Guidelines: For persons who have retired from active employment in the grease industry, and previously received one or more awards or served as an officer while active.
Clarence E. Earle Memorial Award
“For an outstanding contribution to the technical literature relating to lubricating greases during the year.”
Guidelines: Does not have to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Can be a paper, an article, editorial contribution to a reference book, etc.
NLGI Author Award – Development
“For the best paper presented at our Annual Meeting that focuses on formulation, development, and manufacture of finished greases.”
Guidelines: Does not have to be written/published paper, can be presentation only.
NLGI Author Award – Application
“For the best paper presented at our Annual Meeting that focuses on testing, selection, application or use of greases.”
Guidelines: Does not have to be written/published paper, can be presentation only.
Award for Educational Excellence
“For outstanding instruction as exemplified by subject knowledge and presentation skills in NLGI educational courses.”
Guidelines: Needs to be knowledgeable and good presenter.
Ralph Beard Memorial Academic Award
“Acknowledges valuable work within Academia, in the technical development of greases, grease tests, or the promotion of grease usage.”
Guidelines: Guidelines (award winners should have one or more of the following accomplishments):
- Significant and continuing work in research or development of new grease technology (formulation, thickener chemistry, advancements in mixing technology, new additive chemistry, etc.)
- Significant and continuing work in research or development and acceptance of new tests within the grease industry
- Typical award winner would have 5 or more years, while in academia, of significant contributions to the grease industry through research, publication, educational work, etc.