PETRONAS Lubricants International (PLI) Certifies HPM Product

PETRONAS Grease LiX EP 2/380 has been approved against the NLGI HPM certification.

The HPM Grease Certification Program ensures that all certified greases meet or exceed the High-Performance Multiuse grease specification requirements in the areas of mechanical stability, oil separation, water resistance, heat tolerance, corrosion resistance and load carry capacity. All licensed HPM brands undergo rigorous qualification testing using independent laboratories to ensure they meet the HPM performance requirements.

“Petronas Lubrificantes International is proud to present to the market the latest grease technology aimed at the industrial segment, meeting HPM Core specifications, in order to meet the demands of the industrial market with excellence and quality proven by NLGI” stated.Marcelo Loures, Industrial Lubricants Technology Manager.

NLGI is pleased to certify these high-performance products into the marketplace. For a list of HPM certified products, please visit:

About NLGI: As a nonprofit trade association founded in 1933 by pioneers of the lubricating grease industry, the National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) was established with the goal of providing education, scientific and technical information, expert advice, profitable partnerships and a global forum for ideas and innovation. The mission of the organization is “to provide resources relevant to the needs of the global grease community.” Learn more at

About CQA: The Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) has over 25 years of experience working with industry partners to advance technology through the design, development and administration of specification programs. Our vision is to be the global leader in providing knowledgeable and innovative programs and solutions that will enhance the quality and application of our client’s products and create better experiences for consumers and users. Learn more at

About Petronas Lubricants International: PETRONAS Lubricants International (PLI) is the global lubricants manufacturing and marketing arm of PETRONAS, the national oil corporation of Malaysia. Established in 2008, PETRONAS Lubricants International manufactures and markets a full range of high-quality automotive and industrial lubricants products in over 100 markets globally. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, PLI has over 30 marketing offices in 28 countries, managed through regional offices in Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Turin, Belo Horizonte, Chicago and Durban. Currently ranked among the top 10, PLI is driving an aggressive business growth agenda to secure its position as a leading global lubricants company at the forefront of the industry. Learn more at
